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 Assamese Language Books

Assamese is an Indo-Aryan language that is the official language of Assam State in India. It is spoken by almost 13 million people. Assamese has been affected in vocabulary, phonetics and structure by its close association with Tibeto-Burman dialects spoken in the region. Assamese is closely related to Bengali, and like Bengali and Oriya, Assamese has no grammatical gender distinctions. However, its grammar has highly inflected forms. There are also different pronouns and noun plural markers for usage denoting respect.

 Bengali Language Books from India

Bengali is an anglicization of Bangla, Bangala, or Bangabhasa, language belonging to the Indo-Aryan family. It is spoken by over 200 million people in Bangladesh, the Indian States of West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura, and a sizeable number of immigrant communities in the UK. It is the State language of Bangladesh and one of the 14 languages recognized by the Indian Constitution.

 Bengali Language Books from Bangladesh

 English Books from India(Unrestricted Search!)

The English language is a major constituent of the linguistic repertoire of India, and the only pan-Indian and international link language. The English language is not native to the subcontinent. However, it has a long history in the region, with immense cultural and linguistic impact on the development of Indian languages and literatures and commands a large number of speakers

 English Books from Pakistan

 English Books from Sri Lanka

 English Books from Bangladesh

 English Books from Bhutan

 English Books from Nepal

 Gujarati language Books

Gujarati , one of the major regional languages of India recognized by the Indian Constitution and spoken by over 30 million people, mainly in the region of Gujarat and elsewhere in the major cities of India.

 Hindi Language Books / हिन्दी भाषा में किताबें

    Hindi (हिन्दी or हिंदी ) is official language of the Republic of India and a central Indo-Aryan language. According to the 1991 census, 233.42 million Indians speak Hindi as their mother tongue, while some 337.27 million people speak one of its more than 50 dialects. Some of these dialects, such as Maithili and Rajasthani, claim to be separate languages. Among the major dialects of Hindi are Awadhi, Bhojpuri, Braj Bhasha, Chhatisgarhi, Garhwali, Haryanavi, Kumauni, Magadhi, and Marwari.

 Kannada Language Books

Kannada also called Kannarese, is the official language of the State of Karnataka, southwestern India, belonging to the South Dravidian branch, and the second oldest of the four major Dravidian languages with a literary tradition. The Kannada script has evolved from the southern varieties of the Ashokan Brahmi script, and is closely related to the Telugu script. Both emerged from an Old Kannarese script (tenth century). Three historical stages are recognized in the evolution of the language. Old Kannada (AD 450-1200), Middle Kannada (AD 1200-1700), and Modern Kannada (AD 1700 to the present).

 Malayalam Language Books

Malayalam is a language belonging to the South Dravidian subgroup of the Dravidian family of languages. Malayalam evolved -- either from a western dialect of Tamil or from the branch of Proto-Dravidian from which modern Tamil also evolved. An early extensive influx of Sanskrit words influenced the Malayalam script (derived from the Grantha script, itself derived from Brahmi): it has letters to represent all the Sanskrit sounds, besides the Dravidian sounds. The language also uses a script called Koleluttu (Rod script), which is derived from the Tamil writing system. The Tamil Grantha script is used as well.

 Marathi language Books

Marathi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in western and central India. Its range extends from north of Mumbai (now Mumbai) down the western coast past Goa and eastwards across the Deccan. In 1966, it became the official language of the State of Maharashtra. The standard form of speech is the dialect spoken in the city of Pune (formerly Poona).
Descended from the Maharashtri Prakrit, Marathi has a significant literature. Both Devanagiri and the cursive form of Devanagiri called Modi scripts are used for writing the language. Eastern Hindi, an Indo-Aryan language, is closely related to Marathi.

  Nepali Language Books from India

Nepali (Naipali), is also called Khas-kura and Gorkhali (Gurkhali). Because many of the inhabitants of Nepal speak Tibeto-Burman languages, Nepali has borrowed many Tibeto-Burman idioms.

(source: "

  Nepali Language Books from Nepal

  Oriya Language books

Oriya is main official language of Orissa State. It is recognized by the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution. The language has three dialects: Sambalpuri (western Oriya), Desia (southern Oriya), and Katki (coastal Oriya); the last is the standard dialect and the medium of education at the school level. Oriya belongs to the eastern group of the Indo-Aryan family of languages and is derived from Ardhamagadhi Prakrit. 

  Panjabi Language Books

Panjabi also spelt Punjabi, an Indo-Aryan language, considered to have evolved along Shaurseni Apabhramsha. However, it has traces of earlier Prakrits (especially, Pali, and proto-Aryan) both in phonology and morphology. It thus represents a continuous linguistic history of the cultural and linguistic crosscurrents in the ancient Punjab. 

  Sanskrit Language Books

Sanskrit also spelt Sanscrit, or Samskrit (Samskrita: processed, cultivated, purified, refined), traditionally regarded as the language of the gods (daivi vak, devavani) and one of the oldest representatives of the Indo-European family. It is genealogically related to Persian, Greek, Latin, and almost all of the modern European languages. In South Asia, due to their proximity over thousands of years, the Dravidian, and Austroasiatic groups of languages and Sanskrit have converged.

  Tamil Language Books from India

Tamil (தமிழ் ) is one of the eighteen languages listed in the Indian Constitution that are given special status and functions. It is the official language of Tamil Nadu and the Union Territory of Pondicherry, and one of the official languages of Sri Lanka and Singapore. Tamil is a second language to nearly five million people. 

  Tamil Language Books from Srilanka

 Telugu Language Books From India

Telugu language belongs to the Dravidian family and is the official language of Andhra Pradesh State in India. There are several distinct regional dialects in Telugu, as well as three social dialects -- Brahmins, non-Brahmins, and Harijans (children of god, formerly the untouchables). The formal, or literary, language is also distinct from the spoken dialects, a situation described as diglossia.

 Tibetan Language Books

Tibetan is Tibetic (or Bodic) language belonging to the Tibeto-Burman group of the Sino-Tibetan language family; it is spoken in Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, and in parts of northern India (including Sikkim). The language is usually divided by scholars into four dialect groups: Central, Southern, Northern (in northern Tibet), and Western (in western Tibet). The widely used dialect of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, belongs to the Central group, while the Southern group is found primarily in Sikkim, Bhutan, and Nepal. The Western dialects are more conservative in their sound systems, having best preserved the initial consonant clusters and the final stops (sounds formed with complete closure in the vocal tract) of Old Tibetan and having less development of tones than the other dialects.

(source: "

 Urdu Language Books from India

Urdu ( اردو )   is also an Indo-Aryan language, which is one of the eighteen national languages of the Union of India and the national language of Pakistan. Although influenced by Arabic and Persina, it is akin to Hindi, which originated and developed in the Indian subcontinent. Both the languages share the same Indic base. At the phonological and grammatical levels they are very similar in that they appear to be one language, but at the lexical level they have borrowed extensively from different sources (Urdu from Arabic and Persian, and Hindi from Sanskrit) that they are perceived to be independent languages. Their distinction is most marked at the orthographical level: Hindi uses Devanagri, and Urdu uses the Perso-Arabic script, indigenously modified to suit its requirements.

 Urdu Books from Pakistan

(source : Compact Disc of Encyclopaedia Britannica ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF INDIA)

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